

Multi-Camera Brainstorm ideas

Concert / Gig

Above shows a group of 6 people including myself in front of the camera testing a camera shoot using multiple cameras, In this case it was 2 cameras. We learned to Jam sync the camera's and put into a multi-camera edit.

Idea 1 : advancing my trailer scenes -
Idea 2 : debate -
Idea 3 : cooking show -
a)   The idea (concept)
b)   Research study (the 5 channels, primary and secondary)
c)    Target Audience (demographics, psychographics (lifestyle profiling), behavioural etc see revisited handout!)
d)   The design or plan for the creation of the idea (development of, what you intend to do)
e)   Screenplay Scripting and storyboarding (we did this last year).
f)     Preproduction paperwork (Recce, Risk, Crew, Cast, Equipment, production timing plan / workflow, CPA / Gantt chart etc).
g)   Looking at workflow and timing planning for origination, production, post and delivery.

h)   Looking at needs / support for the creation of the Live project.

Idea 1 : For the advancement of my trailer that I created for my FMP in year 1 my plan would be to take a certain scene from it and turn it into a multi camera shoot with a script and dialogue. This will be a good choice as I have all the past research into this genre and I will be able to work from a shot I already have. The target audience for this shoot will be:
      Young adult - Middle aged (18-35)
      Enjoy Rap music/ appreciate its place in the culture, Understanding of this lifestyle showed in the shoot (Not wealthy living, trying to make a name for themselves) 
      I intend to take possible 2 cameras for the shoot and extend one scene from the trailer, possibly a studio scene, where my actor is rapping. The problems with doing a scene like this is that it is most likely easier to have it be a single camera setup.

Idea 2 : 

For the debate it would be about something I feel strongly on as then I can provide arguments and think how I want it to be set up. For example, basing it around video games already provides me with a lot of information based on the topic. The possible argument would be about violence in video games and if it influences the younger generation. It will be a good idea as I can use my peers who enjoy video games to contribute in the debate. Target audience : age showing to be highest around 18 - 35. This would be people who are in higher education or people who have settled down with a house and a family. This shows that the average are above the Pegi 18 age rating of some video games. - this isn't a multi camera shoot however the themes they explore and the arguments they create are the same in which this idea spurs into.

This idea will be quite to plan as it requires the use of a room for around an hour and to have a few people to participate. Organising this would be very possible but I would have to have a basis script for the topic.

     idea 3 :  
 For a cooking show I will have my actor be cooking a simple meal, so it will not be too long and not too hard to set up and not a lot of ingredients will be required. 
The target audience is very clear for this multi camera shoot. The audience will be people who are learning to cook or people who are able to cook but want to learn how to cook this certain meal. The lifestyle of my target audience will be sustained in a family as they will be able to create meals for others and they have to be able to have spare time to cook. They however could be a student who is taking a catering course and they are learning new meals and ways to operate in the kitchen. It provides information about a meal, it doesn't need to have a lot of entertainment value and is there to help people.

Image result for jamie oliver cooking

Idea 3 to me appears to be physically able to be shot in the time, and it allows me to experiment with multiple factors during the shoot. There are several shows similar to what I am creating so it allows me to be able to conduct a lot of research into the shows. I believe production is going to be challenging but as long as I plan the piece in depth then it will come out successfully. 


  1. ensure that you show examples of the multi-camera shows that you have viewed to inspire you... AND detail the demographics of these shows...

  2. I have given examples of the shows I have gained inspiration from. Currently I am working on the target audience for my ideas.

  3. Demographics of an audience are : age, ethnicity, etc … detail these for each of the ideas for shows that you have had.


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