Evaluation plan:

Characteristics and Context for a Multi-Camera Production -

Research -

  • Delve deep into audience research for the cooking shows (audience research BBC and Channel 4)
  • Primary research allowed me to secure what sort of meal was to be cooked as well as development into audience and how they consume this media.
  •  Secondary research into shot types - how they played out in the production.

Idea - 

Personal development -

Directing - My strength doesn't lie within this as I had issues conveying instructions to others. My ability to lead a group of people isn't as strong as I would like and I feel that if there was a larger group then it would be harder for me as I may fall to pressure.

Strength In camera's - I believe my strength is held in choosing shots and knowing what looks best. I am very picky with my shots and will always see after things have been filmed how they could look better. I think I limit myself with production and sometimes choose not to bring a lot of equipment as I feel like I then have more responsibility.

How to improve -

  • When it comes to directing I need to still have assertiveness and the ability to control a crew due to future projects (Maybe actors instead of a crew) 
  • Work on planning so crew can refer to it if I struggle to convey my ideas.

For this project - Usually for my previous projects I always chose to record with people I Knew (Friends, Class mates). For this project I was originally planning to record in a small kitchen with my friend cooking but I realised that it would be a lot better quality if I was to have an Actual Chef cook who can convey the instructions to cook better and ingredients. I believe it worked out a lot better this way as The location of shoot

  • improved ability to work with people I didn't originally know 
  • Understanding

Rolfe et al

what was my role in the situation?
Im trying to achieve?
what actions did I take?
Response of others?
Feelings of me and others
What was good and bad about the situation?

2. So what..

What does this tell me / teach me
Imply / mean about me /
      Our relationship

Going through my mind?
what did I base my actions upon?
What is my new understanding?
Broader issues?

3. Now what..

What do I do to make things better?
What do I do to resolve problems? (solutions)
Final consequences?

Filming what? how?
- write this for my assets

Other assets     Graphics
Post  -
 quicktime recordings
