
Showing posts from December, 2019
Evaluation plan: Characteristics and Context for a Multi-Camera Production - Research - Delve deep into audience research for the cooking shows (audience research BBC and Channel 4) Primary research allowed me to secure what sort of meal was to be cooked as well as development into audience and how they consume this media.  Secondary research into shot types - how they played out in the production. Idea -  Personal development - Directing - My strength doesn't lie within this as I had issues conveying instructions to others. My ability to lead a group of people isn't as strong as I would like and I feel that if there was a larger group then it would be harder for me as I may fall to pressure. Strength In camera's - I believe my strength is held in choosing shots and knowing what looks best. I am very picky with my shots and will always see after things have been filmed how they could look better. I think I limit myself with production an